Our Values and Goals

At the International Student Leadership Institute, our mission extends beyond leadership development; it encompasses a set of core values and aspirations that guide our actions and shape our vision for tomorrow's leaders.


ISLI aims to equip participants with leadership knowledge and skills, allowing them to take on and manage leadership roles within the program and beyond.


We emphasise hands-on leadership skill development and practical application to foster confidence and prepare them for leadership roles.


Participants are taught adaptable leadership, allowing them to learn and practice various styles, fostering flexibility for leadership in diverse contexts.


ISLI promotes cultural understanding among the diversity at out institute. This broadens intercultural understanding.

ISLI empowers participants to take charge

We actively equip our participants with essential knowledge and skills for assuming and managing leadership roles. The program provides a comprehensive understanding of leadership, fostering practical application through workshops, team-building activities, and simulations. This active engagement empowers participants to take on leadership roles during the seminar, leaving them with a strong foundation and the confidence to lead in diverse settings beyond ISLI.

igniting leadership initiatives

A Journey of skill development

At ISLI, we foster active learning and skill development. Participants engage in hands-on activities, gaining feedback from peers and experienced coaches. This immersive approach hones their leadership skills, boosting confidence and preparing them for future roles.

Adapting and applying leadership methods in teacher and peer relationships.

ISLI cultivates adaptable leadership skills through exposure to diverse styles. Participants practice applying approaches in various scenarios, fostering flexibility and open-mindedness for effective collaboration. The goal is to instill practical skills applicable in personal and professional contexts.  “The Student Leadership Challenge”, 3rd Edition by James Kouzes and Barry Posner helps us in achieving this.

Extending one’s cultural horizons

ISLI uniquely broadens cultural horizons through diverse leadership techniques and styles, fostering understanding among participants from various backgrounds. Engaging activities encourage sharing experiences, enhancing appreciation for different cultures. The aim is to equip participants with a global mindset for effective leadership.